Copyright 2011 Maxwell Adams

Version 30 September 2011


A group of Lelant men set up a guild or fraternity to run a chapel to St Anta in 1496-1501. Its purpose may have been to maintain a guiding light for boats. The agreement with the Lelant vicar about this chapel is recorded in the register of bishop Richard Redmayne of Exeter but the arrangement of the register makes it impossible to give a precise date.  The agreement is written in the register in abbreviated Latin.  I put below a translation into English, the abbreviated Latin, and that expanded, all the work of Brooke Westcott.  The heading records Lalant, the text Lanante.


This chapel was still in existence in 1573/74 as the Penheleg manuscript has two references to it: Wreckage found “within the Barr of Lelant under Chapell Ansa and two thorne polles caught “in Lelant water by the chappell” (POOL PAS ‘Penheleg manuscript’ in the  Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall 1959, 163-228). Thorne polles are perhaps whales. Neither the  chapel nor its remains exist today.  A terrier of 1727 refers to “a rock called Chappell Anjoe”.  


Translation into English

"Composition of the vicar of Lelant

Composition and friendly agreement between Master John Carew, vicar of the parish church of Saint Uny by Lanante and the parishioners in the same place, that is to say, Stephen Calmady, Henry Greger, John Trewarnehayle, John Bawdon, John Edward, Warin Tomkyn, Henry Hycke, Henry Nicholas, John Plymyn, John Tremure, Thomas Gay, Peter Unwyn, David Unwyn, Ricard Boschabordow, and Stephen Thomas

Concerning a certain fraternity of a certain chapel of Saint Anta, otherwise Ansa, within the same parish, near to the sea shore, within the bounds and limits of the parish church of Saint Uny aforesaid

Such that the aforementioned parishioners and the brothers of the fraternity aforesaid shall enjoy and in the future have all oblations both greater and lesser offered to the aforenamed chapel both of legacies of the dead and of all those of the living whatsoever offered bequeathed or given in and within the same chapel as is aforesaid

To have receive and occupy with the consent of the vicar aforesaid to all and singular the confreres and parishioners of the fraternity aforesaid and their successors to the use and profit of the fraternity of the chapel aforesaid

Provided that the aforesaid parishioners and the brothers of the fraternity aforesaid shall repair maintain and build anew if it shall be necessary at their own cost and expenses

Besides yielding annually to the aforenamed Master John Carew the present vicar and his successors 6s 8d."

Original abbreviated Latin in the bishop’s register

"Compoo vii Lalant


Compositio et amicabilis convencio inter Magr Johem Carew vicariu ecclie pochialis sancti Euinni iuxa Lanante et pochianos ibm silicet Stephm Calmady Henricum Greger Johem Trewarnehayle Johem Bawdon Johem Edward Warinu Tomkyn Henricu Hycke Henricu Nicholas Johem Plymyn Johem Tremure Thoma Gay Petru Unwyn David Unwyn Ricm Boschabordow et Stephm Thomas


De quad Franitae cuiusdam capelle sci Ante als Ansa infra eandm pochia ppe ripam maris infra fines et limites ecclie pochis Sci Euinni pdict


Ita qd pfati pochi et Frat Fratnitatis pdict guadebunt et infutur hebunt omes oblaciones tam maior qm minor pfat Capello oblat tam de legat mortuor qm de totis vivorum in et infra eandm Capellam ut pdicit oblat legat sive dat quecumq

Hend pcipend et occupand ex consensu vicarii pdci omib et singlis confratribus et pochianis fratnitatis pdict ac eor successori ad usum pficuum fratnitatis Capelle pdict

Proviso qd pfati pochiani et Frat Fratnitatis pdict repabunt suustenabunt ac de novo edificabunt si necesse fuit sumptibus suis ppriis et expens

Tu reddend pfat mro Joh Carew moderno vicario ac eor successorib annuati vj s viij d"

Extended Latin

"Compositio vicarii Lalant


Compositio et amicabilis convencio inter Magistrum Johannem Carew vicarium ecclesie parochialis sancti Euinni iuxta Lanante et parochianos ibidem silicet Stephanum Calmady Henricum Greger Johannem Trewarnehayle Johannem Bawdon Johannem Edward Warinum Tomkyn Henricum Hycke Henricum Nicholas Johannem Plymyn Johannem Tremure Thomam Gay Petrum Unwyn David Unwyn Richardum Boschabordow et Stephanum Thomas


De quadam Fraernitae cuiusdam capelle sancti Ante alias Ansa infra eandem parochiam prope ripam maris infra fines et limites ecclesie parochialis Sancti Euinni predicte

Ita quod prefati parochiani et Fratres Fraternitatis predicte guadebunt et infuture habebunt omnes oblaciones tam maiores quam minores prefato Capello oblatas tam de legatis mortuorum quam de totis vivorum in et infra eandem Capellam ut predicitur oblatis legatis sive datis quecumque

Habendum percipendum et occupandum ex consensu vicarii predicti omnibus et singulis confratribus et parochianis fraternitatis predicte ac eorum successoribus ad usum proficuum fraternitatis Capelle predicte

Proviso quod prefati parochiani et Fratres Fraternitatis predicte reparabunt suustenabunt ac de novo edificabunt si necesse fuerit sumptibus suis propriis et expensis

Tum reddendum prefato magistro Johanni Carew moderno vicario ac eorum successoribus annuatim vj s viij d"
