Waywarden stone rediscovered at Lelant
© Text: Maxwell Adams 2003, 2005
© Image James Adams
In the Trendreath part of the village Maxwell noticed across the road a horizontal granite stone with writing on it. An examination revealed the name JOHN TREWHELLA and a date, 1830. Subsequently Andrew Langdon visited and deciphered more writing: the forename JOSEPH, a word that is probably the surname OLDS, and another word WAYWAR running up to the edge of the stone with some short indecipherable writing above this last word. Andrew also established that the visible part of the stone is an edge not a face.
Maxwell Adams was now able to identify the stone as a lost waywarden stone. The undecipherable writing above WAYWAR probably being DEN or DENS, there not being enough space to run these letters on to the word below.This identification is based on a report in the St Ives Weekly Summary of 14 June 1902 which said that Lelant parish council was to ask West Cornwall rural district council to put in a better place a stone "embedded in the soil at the foot of Lelant Hill on which are engraved the names of the waywardens and the date of the improvement."
Where the stone was put in 1902 and how it found its way to its present place are unknown.
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