Men of Lelant parish who served in World War I and survived


This alphabetical list is based on the roll in St Uny’s church, marked ° in the list; St Ives Weekly Summary of 8 July 1915 (recording a roll of honour of thirty one former pupils from the National School  “on active service”), marked * in the list; and from other newspaper reports. There may be others in newspaper reports that I have not seen.


Eight villagers died in the War. These are noted in The lions of Lelant on this website. The National School included Albert Firstbrook, Stuart Gilbart, and Ellery Phillips, all of whom died in the war; the St Uny roll includes those three and the four other Lelant dead, William Thomas Martin, Andreas Neilsen, Albert H Semmens, Charles Gordon Steer, and John Matthew Trewhella. Additionally William Hodge appears on the school list and, assuming he is the man on the Treslothan memorial, was killed in the war.


Vernon Andrew*°                        

William Andrew°                          

Charles FB Backhouse°

Paul Backhouse°

Percy des C Balance°       

MacIvor Bassett°                              

William Bastian°

Edwin Beare°                    

Ernest Beare°                   

Garfield Beare°

John Henry Beare°         

Robert Beare*                   

William Beare*         

George Beck°                   

John Blewitt°                    

Edwin Blight°

John Blight°

George Brown*°                          

William Bryant°                           

Claud Burningham*

Thomas Care°                   

RT Carter                         

William Carter°                            

Harold AW Chapman°

William Chowen°                         

Norman Courtice*°              

Spencer Courtice°

William Cowling°                          

John Craze°                     

John Crowle°

James Curnow°                          

John Curnow°                   

Robert Curnow°

James Date°                     

John Date°                       

Richard Date°

Thomas Dudley°                  

Robert Eddy°                    

Clifford Edmonds°

Harry Edmonds°               

Percy Edmonds°                        

Alexander Eustace°

Ernest Eustace°                         

William Eustace°                         

Leslie Farrell° 

Besant Gee*                    

Jack Gilbart°  

Stuart Gilbart*                  

Harold Girdlestone°

Stewart Glasson°                 

Lawrence Golding°                 

Albert Gregory°

Edward F Halsted°                 

John Harris°                     

Thomas Harris°

Thomas Harry*°                           

Cecil P Harvey°                           

Stanley Harvey°

Gerald Haszard°                         

John Hobbs°                     

Roy Hosking°                    

Herbert Hutchens°              

Bertie Huxtable°

John Keen*                      

Harold Jago°                     

Harry Johns°

Walter Laity°                    

John Lander°                    

Richard Lander°

William Lanyon°                          

James Learmonth°             

George Letcher°

Frank Luke°                      

Arnold Matthews*°            

John Matthews°

William Matthews*°            

Henry Michell°                   

Fred Michael*°     

William Michael*°                        

Henry Smith Oaks Millett*°

John Nicholas Millett*°

Leonard Stanley Millett*°                 

Leopold Arthur Millett*°                 

Sidney Smith Millett°

William Percy Ulundi Millett*°       

Edmund Mitchell°                 

Edward Newton°

George Newton°                          

William Nicholas°                

Charles Nicholls°

William Ninnis°                   

George Payne*°                          

Jack Payne°  

William Payne°                            

Edwin Pappin°                      

Frederick Pearce°

George Pearce°        

Herbert Pearce°                              

Philip Pearce*°                                     

Reginald Pearce°                            

Richard H Pearce*°                             

Gordon Pedlar*°                          

Victor Pellow°                      

Richard Phillips*°                                                                    

Albert Poland°                   

Leslie J Polglase°                           

William Polglase°

Wilfrid Riccardo°                         

Clifford Roach*°                                  

William John Roach*°

Ernest Roberts°                          

James Rogers°                                 

Samuel Rogers°

William J Rosewarne°             

J Rowe                            

Richard E Shone°

William Skewes°

Charles Sparks°

Harry Sparks°                   

Herbert Steer°                    

John Stevens°         

Charles E Stiffe°          

Harry Stone                     

William Basil Symons*°     

Alfred Thomas°       

William Thomas°                          

Bertie Tippett*°                        

John Toms°

William Toms°                   

Henry Tregenza°               

John Tremayne°

Thomas Trevorrow°             

Albert Trewhella                

Harry B Trewhella°

John Trewhella°                       

William Trewhella°              

Gifford L Tyringham°

Humphrey D Tyringham°   

Roger WG Tyringham°             

John Uren°    

Richard Uren°

Matthew Vincent°                 

John Warmington°           

Alexander Wearne°

John Wilcox°                    

Alfred Williams°                          

Guy Williams° 

James Williams°                          

Thomas Williams°                 

CH Wills

Thomas Woodcock°


Gerald Haszard has against his name on the St Uny roll: OBE, 1914-1918 Star, DSC 1916, Croix de Guerre (Silver Star) 1917, Bar to DSC 1918


Leonard Stanley Millett is Stanley Millett on the National School roll, Leonard Millett on the St Uny roll


William Percy Ulundi Millett is on the St Uny roll as William R Millett


Richard H Pearce as on the St Uny roll; the National School roll says Richard Pearce; I assume they are the same man


William John Roach on the National School roll is, I assume, the same man as William Roach on the St Uny roll


J Rowe: see St Ives Weekly Summary 31 May 1917


Harry Sparks: against his name is the addition that he died January 1923 on SS Tressa


Albert Trewhella: see St Ives Weekly Summary 8 March 1917


CH Wills: see St Ives Weekly Summary 13 September 1917

Lelant war memorial

Lelanters who died in World War II

Lelant war memorial
