
And I come after, gleaning here and there,
and am full glad if I may find an ear
of any goodly word that you have left

Geoffrey Chaucer, Legend of good women (about 1385)


Reminiscences of Lelant | Censuses | Lists of people | Registers for baptisms,marriages, and burials | Graves | Images of Lelant | War | References | Institutions | Religion | Miscellany | History | St Ives and Hayle


Website of M Adams. All material on this website is copyright: details in the notice at the end of this page. February 2024.


Reminiscences of Lelant

Reminiscences of Rosemary Balmer

Reminiscences of Jack Menear

Reminiscences of Dorothy Meade

Reminiscences of Roy Richards

Reminiscences of Sam Richards

Reminiscences of Michael Tonking

Reminiscences of Mary Wills

Reminiscences of Ian Olds: the early years

Reminiscences of Ian Olds: the teenage years

My Cornish pilgrimage: Alan Howarth

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Notes for these census transcripts

Name index for Lelant village censuses 1841-1901

1841 census for Lelant village

1851 census for Lelant village

1861 census for Lelant village

1871 census for Lelant village

1881 census for Lelant village

1891 census for Lelant village

1901 census for Lelant village

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Lists of people

Lelant leaseholders 1708-1853

Lelanters in 1717

Lelanters in 1770-1771

Lelant parish officials 1722-1802

Lelant ratepayers 1722

Lelant ratepayers 1750

Directories 1783-1939

Directories 1783-1939: all surnames in one file

Lelant signatories to 1819 declaration

Lelant leaseholders in 1838

Lelant wills: list of testators

Lelant landowners in 1873

Vicars of Lelant

Pupils at Lelant National School (born 1898-1915)

Tenants in Lelant in 1920

Personal names in 1839 Lelant tithe apportionment

Birth entries in Lelant Vestry minute book

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Registers for baptisms, marriages, and burials

Primitive Methodist baptisms 1843-1903

Baptisms at St Uny's church (in date order) 1779-1840 (with gaps)

Baptisms at St Uny's church (in name order) 1779-1840 (with gaps)

Burials at St Uny's 1861-1865, 1877-98

Western cemetery burials 1877-1946 (date order)

Vicar's list of burials in the Western cemetery 1877-98

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The burial grounds

Eastern Cemetery, Lelant: burials from 1877

Southern Cemetery, Lelant: burials from 1935

Western Cemetery, Lelant: burials from 1877

St Uny's churchyard burials, Lelant

Memorial stone tablets in St Uny's churchyard of people cremated

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Images of Lelant

List of photographs

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Lelant soldiers before 1914

The lions of Lelant

World War I: men who fought and survived

Lelant soldiers who died in World War II

Lelant war memorial

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Lelant administration


Lelant references at Kresen Kernow/Cornwall Record Office

Lelant references at the National Archives (Public Record Office)

Lelant references at the Royal Institution of Cornwall

Placenames of Lelant

Placenames in the Lelant tithe apportionment book

Lelant in Matthews's history 1892

Historic comments on Lelant

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Lelant brewery

Inns at Lelant

Organisations in Lelant

Polglase Charity

Lelant postal services

Summary notes of Lelant parish council minutes

Lelant parish council 1894-1934

The quays of Lelant

Shops and businesses in Lelant in the 1930s

Shops and businesses in Lelant: 1960s onwards

The village hall

The village school 1

The village school 2: logbook and minutes

The railway

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Lelant Methodism

Trendreath Methodist Chapel, Lelant

Saint Uny's church: Part 1, to 1300

Saint Uny's church: Part 2, 1300-1600

Saint Uny's church: Part 3, 1600-today

St Uny's terriers

The stones of Lelant


St Uny's church memoranda

Chapel of St Anta

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Natural phenomena, including historic weather

Statistics about Lelant

2001 census for Lelant village (no names)

2011 census for Lelant village (no names)

The Lelant millennium tapestry

Mark Rothko and Lelant

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Lelant vicar jails Cinderella

Crossing the estuary

Death in dark waters

Groundhog Day at Dynamite Quay

Law and order

Market and fairs

Murders most foul

The real and true name of Lelant

O call back yesterday, bid time return

The poor in Lelant

Recreation in Lelant

The sands of printless foot

Tithe barn at Lelant?

The waywarden stone of 1830

Victorian justice in Lelant

By work or by other means

The radical summer of Thomas Treweeke

Work in Lelant

The Godolphin connection

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St Ives and Hayle

By jingo

Charles Bradlaugh and infidelity at St Ives

Hayle Institute

Mad dogs and mackerels: Chartists at St Ives

The people's bitterest enemies: the distinctiveness of Cornish Methodism to 1850

Off with the tyrant's head at Hayle!

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This site is archived in the British Library web archive at www.webarchive.org.uk

Versions of some of the articles first appeared in the St Ives Times and Echo. I update articles as I learn more and I put at the top of each the latest version number/date.

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